Oman Announces a new Law change for Employees

Oman Announces a new Law change for Employees

Employers no longer have to keep their workers’ IDs because of the new Oman Labor Law.

Sultan Haitham bin Tarik of Oman recently passed a new labor law. The goal of the law is to make sure that employers and workers have a fair and balanced relationship and that labor practices are open and honest.

The Labor Law 53/2023, which was passed by Royal Decree, protects workers’ rights and spells out when a company can fire an employee.

Article 43 of the law is all about how an employee can be fired, which explains the situation clearly.

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If an employee doesn’t perform well enough, the law lets the boss fire them. But workers are given a six-month grace period to improve their performance. If it doesn’t get better, they could be fired.

When this happens to an Omani employee, the company must find another Omani to take their place.

Oman’s labor Law is getting a lot of changes.

The law also lets people get fired when a business closes down, declares bankruptcy, cuts back on its activities, or switches to a different production method that changes the number of workers needed.

Also, economic reasons may make it necessary to fire an employee, but the employer must first send a request to a committee in the Ministry of Labor for approval.

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New changes to Oman’s labor laws protect foreign workers

This rule also protects people who work abroad. Employers can’t keep their employees passports or other private records without written permission from the employee.

If an expat worker is fired, they have 30 days from the time they were told to make a complaint.

The new labor law says that employees are entitled to certain types of leave, such as at least 30 days of yearly leave after six months of work and the ability to combine leaves if both parties agree.

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Non-Omanis who work in the country have the right to a one-way plane ticket back to their home country and their full pay during public holidays.

The law also lets companies give special leave to workers without pay if they ask for it and if certain conditions are met.

Also, the law gives employees six months to improve their performance before they can be fired. It also says that managers should keep their workplaces looking nice.

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The law is fair because it allows workers to be moved to different projects and says that Omanis must be hired for old jobs with the same wages and benefits.

Other parts of the law deal with temporary jobs, changing shifts based on ability, giving new mothers an hour of child care, and making sure that sick leave requests from private hospitals are accepted by the Ministry of Health.

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